KTN TV Frequency TP PAKSAT.1R 38.0E

KTN is a family channel with and major programming primarily consists of family dramas and other shows targeted to the entire family. KTN has shows for every member of the family with subjects like music, games, films etc. KTN also runs news bulletins every hour. The Government of India has banned the telecast of KTN in India for the past almost 3 years. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. Of India has stipulated guidelines for foreign channels needing to fulfill certain formalities to continue broadcasting to the Indian populace. The forms are to be filled in by the channel directly and no third party can do this for them. I have sent in number of mails to KTN to do this, since the Indians wish to view this channel, but apparently the management of KTN is not doing this. Broadcasting to India will benefit KTN not only culturally, but commercially as well.

KTN TV Frequency
Frequency:3972 V 6504-3/4
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