Telenor Partners Up With Vivid For Quality Services 2017

Telenor has recently struck a deal with Vivid Technologies – a U.K based company that provides visual IVR (Interactive voice response) services.
This move is expected to enhance the telephony service and overall customer support service through the use of upgraded technologies in terms of ‘visual navigation’.

Visual Navigation

Generally, to speak with an operator, people are required to dial helpline number and follow the instructions they are provided. This whole ‘Voice Navigation’ process is tiresome and takes a lot of time. Telenor is now focusing to address this annoyance through new and improved process.
With collaboration of Vivid Technologies, Telenor is seeking to introduce a new method called ‘Visual Navigation’ which will let people swipe through options and dial a number that directs the compaint to the relevant department without any delays. This will result in time-saving and improved customer support.

Project Details:

Through this project, Vivid and Telenor are expecting to:
  • Reduce enterprise call center costs by 26%
  • Improve customer satisfaction by 65%
  • Help reduce incoming call traffic by 30-35% making it cost effective, engaging and interactive.
  • Save customer time by 10 times. (60 seconds of first generation IVR versus 6 seconds of quick glance on the visual IVR to consume the information or carry out an action).
  • Optimize staffing efficiency by 12%
The deal was finalised in November 2016, where Vidid was also partnered to improve the Telenor business units in APAC region. In Pakistan, Vivid is expected to introduce this setup in the first quarter of 2017. Telenor customers will be able to experience this through 345 helpline.Mr. Kashif Naeem – Director Business Development at Vivid said in a statement
we believe that the telephone needs to take a step forward and it needs to change in a way that empowers the customer and makes their lives easier. So that customers are no longer stuck on hold.
“The whole idea is to improve that fabric of connectivity between the customer and customer services and to make both of their lives easier. We are obsessed with the idea of improving this interaction. This partnership is a stepping stone towards greater things for Vivid.” – he said further.
Tag : Telenor
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