Djuice 3G/ 4G Packages 2017 Codes Daily, Weekly, Monthly 3 Day Offer

Djuice 3G/ 4G Packages 2017 Codes Daily, Weekly, Monthly 3 Day Offer

Telenor Djuice 3G/ 4G packages 2017 codes daily, weekly, monthly 3 day offer details are available on this page so get idea which type of djuice bucket is best for your usage. Telenor is best telecommunication company in Pakistan offering fastest internet in 3G and 4G speed in lower rates. These days 3G and 4G internet technology is very popular so you must have listened about it and want to experience this technology on your mobile having your own network Telenot. If I am not wrong then you are very welcome here on this page to get Telenor djuice 3G packages 2017. Well this time because 4G is launched recently and mostly old versions of mobiles are not supported with it, that is why here I have discussed only djuice 3G packages 2017 along with codes for daily, 3 days, weekly, and monthly. Now you have no need to shuffle on any other page to subscribe a Telenor Internet package. You just have to read this entire post and you will be all familiar with the latest 3G internet packages of telenor djuice.

Djuice 3G/ 4G Packages 2017 Codes Daily, Weekly, Monthly 3 Day Offer

Note: You are informed that the Telenor has upgraded 3G to 4G technology. but in-case where there is no access of 4G or in case your hand set is not supported with 4G there you can enjoy maximum 3G speed with high frequency.
You can choose any of these package and the detail of each package is given in the following table with volume in MBs and GBs/ charges/Duration and Subscription code.
  • 4G Daily Lite Bundle
  • 4G Daily Bundle
  • 4G Daily Unlimited
  • 4G Weekly Bundle
  • 4G Weekly Unlimited Daytime Internet Bundle
  • 4G Monthly Lite
  • 4G Monthly Plus Bundle
  • 4G 3 Days Bundle
  • 4G Hourly Bundle
See the table for details about each package. You can also click or Tap on the table below to make it bigger zoom view so that you can read easily big fonts…
Djuice 3G 4G Packages 2017 Codes Daily, Weekly, Monthly 3 Day Offer

Fair Policy/ Terms and Conditions

Fair policy and terms and conditions for telenor djuice 4G internet packages are applicable on each bundle as following
  • All the charges are including of taxes and other hidden charges
  • Djuice provide 4G internet speed for all its internet packages
  • 4G speed will be automatically shuffled into 3G or 2G if your mobile phone is not supported to 3G or 4G simultaneously
  • After the consumption of weekly and monthly bundle the new bundle will not be resubscribe until you confirm it while the daily bundle will be reactivated after a package has been ended
  • if you have consumed your MBs before the month ends or specified time the basic MBS charges will be deducted but after a message by Telenor Djuice for intimating you that you have consumed your MBs or GBs
  • In case you dont renew your package it will be treated as deactivated
So this is all about Djuice 3G/ 4G Packages 2017 Codes Daily, Weekly, Monthly 3 Day Offer. Hope you are enjoying your favorite network telenor with call minutes, sms numbers and of course a huge limit of data volume in cheaper rates and maximum speed. So if your handset is supported to 4G then never miss to subscribe a 4G internet package of Telenor Djuice.
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