Malware uses Facebook and LinkedIn images to hijack your PC

Facebook and LinkedIn 

Your browser doesn’t always be used by malware in order to attack your computer.
Sometimes social networks can cause the serious problem. Researchers from the Check Point have invented that some of the known malware, Locky, has been taking benefits from the facebook and LimkedIn as they handle images in its bid to harm your computer.
Some of the tricks that force you to download the harmful code image to your system and when you open the file, your system will be hijacked.
If you open the file, then the data in your system will be encrypted until you pay up.
If you open the file, then the data in your system will be encrypted until you pay up.
However, the actual Locky code is almost walking traveler and you can easily ignore if you know that it is harmful, it has made analysts worry some as it resembles with the delivery mechanism.
Most of the security apps particularly trust major social networks and many people do not worry regarding their downloading from sites like Facebook.
According to the Check Point, The website told Facebook and LinkedIn about the defect back in September, but it doesn’t seem that the companies have made fixes.
The company has contacted the social networks and try to investigate the current situation.
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